Saturday, October 2, 2010

5 second update

In my last post I told you how we fled to the city, scared for our lives etc.

Well 5 days later I was back up north. This time to get my poo tested.
It felt like deja vu, as I sat in the overly air conditioned waiting room waiting for my test results. It was the last day of September.
September of last year I was in the same waiting room, in a considerable more amount of pain, waiting for my results also. Last year it was dengue.
This year it is, as I would come to find out, parasites. Specifically giardia.

A red flag was raised mentally when I had the runs for quite a while (2 months) and then in the last week I lost about 7-10 lbs.

So after 4 hours in the hospital, sure enough. Parasites. No worries, take some medicine and I am on my way.

Or so I hope... as the doctor was writing the prescription he kind of shrugged and said " I hope this works" (I hope it works to, but didn't you go to school for this, man?) haha.

Life is busy now and I will be working all weekend in preparation for my first teachers' retreat of the year on Tuesday. (Naturally, I am last minute with the planning. ) Then Wednesday morning I hop on the boat to Guatemala to begin Matt's Big Adventure To Nicaragua! (from here on out it will be referred to as: MBATN) I will go through Guate, to Honduras, spend the night, then take a bus from San Pedro Sula and arrive in Managua 12 hours later.

Sounds pretty straight forward. But if we know anything about Matt when he travels , and I'd like to think I do, it never goes according to plan for our valiant hero. So check back here sometime in the near future to hear all about the adventures.