Friday, July 24, 2009

The adventure begins...

This is it... the time has come for the next chapter of my life to begin. I am back up at ol' JCU for training with my fellow Jesuit Volunteers (living in my nasty sophomore housing ha). Our days are intense in a lot of regards... getting spiritually where we need to be, studying the root of Catholic social teaching and analyzing the root of poverty and oppression, and fully comprehending what we have committed to (living and working in solidarity with the poor, living in an intentional community grounded in faith and living simple while working for justice) for two years. Our days are long but I have loved getting to know and bonding with my fellow volunteers. It is an exceptional group of young people who are bringing a real change to the world. I am revived by the energy of everyone here.

I want to thank all of my donors and support system from home. Thank you for investing into what I am doing. I can't thank you enough! Love you all...

May your journey always be an adventure.